1720 - 1778 (58 år) Share Photo / Document
Datum |
Händelse(r) |
1 | 1700 | - 1700—1721: Stora Nordiska kriget.Ryssland Danmark Polen attackerar gemensamt Sverige
2 | 1720 | - 24 Mar 1720: Fredrik I Kung
3 | 1731 | - 1731: The Svenska Ostindiska Companiet (Swedish East India Company) is founded by Göteborg merchants, and granted a monopoly by royal charter to conduct trade between Sweden and the East Indies.
4 | 1745 | - Sep 1745: The Swedish East India Company ship Götheborg runs aground and sinks at Hunnebådan outside the Göteborg harbor, near the Älvsborg fortress.
5 | 1750 | - 1750: Population of Sweden: 1.78 million
6 | 1751 | - 1751: King Fredrik I dies. Adolf Fredrik is the new king
- 25 Mar 1751: Adolf Fredrik Kung
7 | 1771 | - 11 Feb 1771: Gustav III Kung