1867 - 1899 (31 år) Share Photo / Document
Datum |
Händelse(r) |
1 | 1867 | - 1867—1869: Missväxtåren 1867-1869, Sveriges sista stora hungersnöd
2 | 1872 | - 1872: Kung Karl XV avlider,hans bror blir Kung Oskar II.
3 | 1873 | - 1873: Sweden adopts the gold standard. The first 1-krona coin is minted, guaranteed in gold, replacing the riksdaler.
4 | 1891 | - 1891: Första motordrivna bilen körs på Svenska vägar.
5 | 1897 | - 1897: Första Svenska bilen byggs.
- 11 Jul 1897: (about 1:30 PM) The hydrogen gas filled balloon Eagle lifts off from Danes Island, Spitzbergen, carrying Swedish Aeronauts Salomon August Andrée, Knut Fraenkel, and Nils Strindberg. They hope to reach the North Pole. (Their balloon is forced down on an ice-covered island, where 83 days later they die of trichinosis from eating polar bear meat infected with trichinae. Their remains are found in 1930.)