Ove's Vintage Sound & Electronics

Tektronix T912



This scopes history

I got it for free from my work at a chemical plant. It wasa well used and didn't fill any purpose longer. The equipment it was dedicated for was obsolete and thrown away. It had been resting on the shelf for several years with a broken knob.

The Renovation

I also got the original manual so it was a pleasure to measure it up and fix the knob. The knobe I had to glue two times before I had any success. After that I have had problems with the sync. That was a IC with an array of transistors, LM3086, hard to find. I got to know a guy from France, Jean-Jacques, who helped me with a tip to use discrete transistors instead.
I did and it worked perfect. After that I succeded to find and buy a few of the original LM3086 so that Jean-Jacque and me more easily can serve our scopes in the future.

This autumn the scope broke down again. Then I finally dicede to buy a new modern digital one as the "first" scope. Anyway, I could not throw this old pice away, so I fixed it one more time :-)
This time It was a short in the last bypass capacitor near the first accelerator voltage plates. It was fed by the regulated 120V. The 120V current limit went in so that it was just 8 volt. There was a 470 ohm serie resistor before this cap.
I wasn’t sure how to find what was the cause and how to disengage different parts so I just dismissed the current limiter and then the 470 ohm resistor showed where it sat :-) Some smoke showed up at the right place. Change the resistor and the faulty cap, back with the current limiter again and the scope is even better then before because I adjusted the astigmatism pot a bit.

I still have a problem with the Storage function but I won't take the time right now to fix it. It's of no interrest at the moment because of my newbought digital scope. Here is three links to the text, schematics and measuring pictures for the Tektronix 912 Storage part.

Please tell me your storys about your Tekscopes.




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